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AngelsWin.com Fantasy Baseball League

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Guys, this is the official thread for all things related to our AngelsWin.com Fantasy League.


The Draft is set for Thursday night at 7:30 pm PST.



First off, let's give your teams both a name and a look by clicking on the gear box to the left of the player search box in the upper left corner (under the banner ad header on the league page). 
Make sure to prep for the draft, both major leaguers and minor leaguers gents. 
A few other items to note:
This is a keeper league, but here's a run down of the number of players/minor leaguers you can keep every year before we draft again. 
Number of total players to keep: 16. 10 minor leaguers, 6 big leaguers. We will have our annual draft for the remaining players in March every year. 
This way, you can invest in a team for the long term, while at the same time, have to part with key players every year so that owners who finished lower in the standings have a chance to get better. This will create a competitive league year in and year out for all owners. 
Minor League Player Eligibility: Hitters (200 at bats), Starting Pitchers (125 IP), Relief Pitchers (20 IP). 
Once these players exceed the limit noted above, they can no longer be placed in your minors. 
Good luck everyone. I will be posting Baseball America's Top 100 Prospects list later so that you can have a reference for the draft. Note: Minor Leaguers can be selected at any time during the draft. 
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Just an FYI in the CBS league as someone else mentioned on the messageboard the draft curently says 7:30pm eastern time on Thursday.  Also the draft order at least under draft central shows me with the 11th pick but Chuck's email said I had 12th.  Not sure if this is due to not everyone being in or what.


Oh boy, good catch. Let me fix this cat...

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Just dont move me from the 15th pick please. Thanks!


Fixed the draft time.


As far as the order. I apparently hit the 'Automate Draft Order' button twice during my initial setup of the league. The draft order is not changing. 

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Hey guys, please pay the league dues by April 1st, 2013 if you can, but by the 15th of April the latest. Send $25 via PayPal to: angelswinevents@gmail.com. Just be sure to choose "Personal" and "Payment Owed" so that the fees aren't deducted.

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