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Why AA for Maronde?

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his peripherals at AA last year weren't very good. 


I think he did well enough with the big club last year to warrant a look as a part of the pen for this year yet his poor spring pretty much shot that down.  I think if they intended to keep him in the pen they would have sent him to AAA but my guess is they are sending him to AA so he can continue to develop as a starter.  Since all his innings were in relief during spring, they probably wanted to take some pressure off him to ramp back up the length of his outings.  


If he performs well there early, they could easily move him to SLC or even to the big club if there are injuries or poor performances.  My guess is that he's behind Richards on the depth chart so he's 7th, or maybe even eighth and won't get the call for a mere spot start but only if someone is going to be out longer term.

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